« Because tissue is everywhere, in all countries, in our houses, our public places and places of worship. Because it takes all the forms, from a kleenex to an artsistic oeuvre, and all the practical, esthetic and symbolic ways. Because it is made from a manual and mechanical know-how from numerous generations and it demonstrates the human being genuis individual and collective genius. Because it has a nonstandart faculty to adapt, from shoes laces it becomes reliable braids used to attach boats. Because its is, currently a solution for aeronautic and aerospace. Because tissue, beyond that being an utilitary object with many faces, essential for our daily lifes, has also an essential role in people expression and culture expression. For all this reasons it is extraordinary. »

The association HS-Projets, to help the development of its international actions has created a sheltered fundation, under the authority of the Bullukian Fundation, admitted of public utility in Lyon. The Extraordianry Textiles Fundation registered in its status the support of the madagascan project, of the FITE and of the creation of a creative school in Philippines. Composed by 12 funders, it has the will to be open on the world.

The headquarter of the sheltered fundation is in the office of the Bullukian Fundation in Lyon (69002), 26 place Bellecour.



Christine, 06 63 61 90 55
Thomas,  06 43 55 62 97
Amel Louzguiti,, 06 67 89 51 61
Tel : 09 53 89 17 98